Flue HQ Limited are thrilled to have received the order for 101 Cleveland street. These new build luxury apartments are Located in London. The development consists of three individual apartment blocks between three and nine stories complete with boutique commercial outlets and private, landscaped gardens on the podium level.
Flue HQ Limited are excited to announce that we have secured the design, supply & installation of the 3no, flue systems at 101 Cleveland Street, after tough negotiations with the client Designer Group we are thrilled with the outcome and will be starting work on this project imminently. The project consists of 3no. condensing boiler, 1no. condensing chp and 1no. e-generator. The flues will be travelling for 15-20 metres horizontally before rising 45 metres in the riser shaft.
We have worked closely with our client and the main contractor Maclaren to ensure the flue system will be delivered on time and within Budget.
We look forward to starting work on this project very soon.
For more information you can contact our team, who would be happy to help with any questions.
Telephone: 01213 929 141
Email: sales@fluehq.com