Flue HQ have recently completed the commercial flue works at St James & Johns Church in Tottenham.
This Church is being transformed into living accommodation in the form of a four storey block which will comprise of 18 flats, 3 houses and a community facility. There is also a new vicarage which is where our system is situated.

We were selected for the design, supply and installation of the flue system, though, the heating appliance has not yet been selected. Flue HQ were instructed to install a versatile system and give a list of appliance options to suit the application. The system has been capped off until the client is ready to install their selected appliance.
The product range we selected for versatility was our MF Twin Wall Insulated Flue Pipe. This range suits many applications and gives a positive pressure resistance of up to 200Pa and a continuous high temperature capability of up to 600° at 200 pascals independently tested to BS476: Part 24 for 4 Hours.
For a free quotation or for more information on this project you can contact us on: 01213 929 141 or Enquiries@fluehq.com
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